Texas Holdem Poker Odds Calculator Software

Here are a selection of poker tools and stuff to help you improve your game. These tools are aimed mostly toward no limit Texas Hold'em players.

Texas Hold'em Poker Odds Calculator Have you ever been playing on your favorite online poker site and given (or even taken) a bad beat and wondered, 'What are the odds?' Well, our state-of-the-art. Run the maths and calculate the odds on any Texas Hold'em hand with our Poker Odds Calculator. Replay past games & share your sickest bad beats online. Simulate Texas Hold'Em situations and calculate the odds of winning a hand. Texas Holdem Odds Calculator. Omaha Holdem Odds Calculator. Omaha Hi/Lo Odds Calculator. Holdem Preflop Odds. These tables are computed by simulating or enumerating millions or billions of hands to give some useful numbers for playing poker. Texas Holdem 10 Player Preflop Odds. Texas Holdem Heads-Up Preflop Odds. Texas Holdem Preflop Nut Odds. An eight-in-one analyzer suite that tackles most of the topics covered in this section, Premium Poker Tools includes an equity calculator, hit calculator, equity matrix, and range constructor. On top of this, the software helps you probe questions such as “should I bluff?” and “should I call?”, calculates bluffing breakeven percentages, and allows you to explore 3-bet and c-bet scenarios. Select the variation of poker you're playing from the choices at the top of the calculator. We've built the poker calculator to provide poker hand odds calculations on Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha.

If you have any problems or questions about these Texas Holdem tools, please let me know. Hope you enjoy them!

These odds charts include odds tables based on the number of outs in a hand in both ratio and percentage form. There are also a few extra odds charts for some of the more common situations you might find yourself in whilst at the Texas Hold'em tables.

  • Conversion odds chart (percentage & ratio conversions).

A free odds calculator for calculating the odds of winning between two all-in hands. With this calculator you can find out the odds of any two hands winning before the flop, on the flop or on the turn.

If you have a spare 5 minutes, PokerStove is a better downloadable version of an odds calculator. It's perfectly free too.

Find out which stakes/limits you should be playing at in no limit Texas Hold'em according to the size of your bankroll. Just enter the size of your bankroll and the calculator will tell you which limits you should be playing at so that you can safely win money without fear of going broke.

This page aims to provide information on the various types of poker software to help you decide:

  1. Whether you should use software to help you improve your game.
  2. Which software is going to be most appropriate for you as a player.

There is a lot of poker software out there for you to choose from, so make sure you are in the know before you spend your money.

Fancy some free and unique tools from ThePokerBank? They are all very simple, but they work well and I'm sure many of you will find them useful.

  • SPOC - Simple Pot Odds Calculator.
  • Fergulator - Bankroll management tool.
  • hoRatio - Ratio and percentage odds converter.
  • CHIMP - ICM calculator.
  • APE - M and Q calculator.

Poker books are one of the best Texas Hold'em tools for helping you develop a winning Texas Hold'em strategy.

This section provides information on the top poker strategy books currently out there on the market. This page also gives a quick guide to some of the better ebooks and advanced books available for the more experienced players. If you're not a big fan of books, you may find poker DVDs more useful.

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Texas Holdem Poker Odds CalculatorJanuary 2, 2009

Texas Calculatem Holdem Odds Calculator

Calculating texas holdem odds is very easy, as we will explain how to do it below, but then if you need any expert help we recommend a texas holdem odds calculator from Texas Calculatem. The advanced poker software breaks down every possible Holdem scenario and instantly delivers your exact texas holdem odds of winning as you play. With the help of the Texas Calculatem odds calculator you will know exactly where you stand and what the odds of success are, at every step in every hand.

Way to calculate Texas Holdem odds

Its mentioned above, all gambling is based on odds. The odds of a horse winning a race are 10-to-1 against, you win ten times your bet if the horse you’re betting on wins the race. If the horse wins just once for every ten times it loses, you break even. It wins more often we should win and if it wins less often we should come out behind. The most bets, like a horse race, you do not get the opportunity for repeated trials, so you either have to be lucky enough to have placed your bet the one time out of eleven that the horse wins, or you need to continually make bets where the odds of hitting are shorter than the odds you are getting paid off at.

Pot Odds in Texas Hold’em

Pot odds in Texas Hold’em work exactly the same way. If the bet is $1 to you and there is $5 in the pot, you are getting 5-to-1 pot odds. Just as in the horse race, you need to win that pot once for every five times you lose it to break even. If you’ll win the pot more often, you have positive expected value or +EV. If you’ll win it less often, you have a negative expected value play (-EV).

Calculating Pot Odds in Poker

Usually, the bet will be more than $1 to you. Simply reduce the ratio by dividing the size of the pot by the size of the bet to you. For example if there is a $10 bet to you and you have a chance to win a $50 pot, divide 50 by 10 to reach 5-to-1 pot odds. If the pot is $97 and the bet is $25 to you, you are getting about 4-to-1; these calculations do not need to be exact (it’s 3.88-to-1 exactly, but this precision is not worth the distraction during an in-game situation).

Using Pot Odds in Poker Games

Once you know how to calculate pot odds, you’ll know whether you should call a bet by knowing your odds of winning the hand, also known as poker odds. This can be established by calculating the ratio of cards remaining to cards that will give you the win.

Poker odds most often come into play when you are on a drawing hand. You’ll want to know if the odds the pot is offering you are better than your actual odds of hitting your hand. To calculate your odds of making your hand, simply count the number of cards that you can consider to be “outs,” cards that will complete your hand, and compare them to the number of cards that remain. For example, let’s say you hold AK on a board of 3 9 5 8 and you are convinced your opponent has top pair. This means that any ace or king should give you the pot. This gives you six outs, for the three remaining aces and three remaining kings. Since you know your two cards and the four on the board, there are 46 cards you have not seen, 52 minus six. Out of those 46, six give you the win and 40 do not. This is an odds ratio of 40-to-6, which reduces to about 6.5-to-1. This means you need better than 6.5-to-1 pot odds to continue.

Although these are rough calculations, they still may be difficult to make in a game. For this reason, you should have certain poker odds committed to memory. The most important ones are as follows:

Your odds of flopping a set from a pocket pair are about 8-to-1.

Your odds of making a flush on the next card if you flop a four flush are about 4-to-1, if you get to see both cards it is closer to 2-to-1.

Your odds of making a straight on the next card if you are open-ended are around 5-to-1.

Free Texas Holdem Calculator

If you have four outs with one card to come you are roughly 11-to-1, two outs and you are around 22-to-1, one out and you are 45-to-1. (That one is easy. There are 46 cards in the deck and only one of them helps you, the other 45 do not.)

In a no limit game, you’ll also know how much to bet so that opponents aren’t getting the right odds to call to try to hit a draw (a pot-sized bet or greater will usually do the trick if you’re not sure).

A free poker calculator software will help you at the online poker table.It is very helpful for new poker player.learn more about the number of uses you can have with a poker odds calculator – it’s not only poker odds calculations.

Ways to Use a Free Poker Calculator

A free online poker software is a program built into certain websites that help you determine the probability of certain hands winning a poker matchup. Simply input all the hands for each player and any board cards that you wish to include, then click calculate. The program will instantly tell you each player’s poker odds of winning the hand. There are a number of uses for this poker software.

Win Bets with Friends

If you have a dispute with your friends over the strength of hands, a free poker calculator can end them quickly. For example, suppose your friend is convinced that pocket deuces is a favorite over jack ten suited, but you are sure he’s wrong. A quick trip to the free poker odds calculator will show that the JT suited is a 53 percent favorite, winning you the argument.

Analyze A Session

It’s important after each tournament or session to analyze your game for possible leaks in your play. Chalking up your performance, good or bad, entirely to luck will make it difficult to improve. Thetexas holdem odds calculator can tell you if certain plays you made were positive expectation, informing you on how to handle such situations in the future.


Build Your Knowledge Base

Texas Holdem Poker Odds Chart


Texas Holdem Poker Odds Calculator Software Download

Doyle Brunson famously learned poker hand odds by spending hours dealing out hands and recording the results. Fortunately, in the modern age, you don’t need to. Think of a hand matchup, put it in the poker calculator and find out the results. When the matchup arises in a game, you’ll be ready.

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