West Of Loathing Poker Rules

If you're a total beginner at poker check our Beginners Guide to How to Play Poker to learn the ropes fast and start competing in live and online games! If you're looking for strategy tips for each game, check out our comprehensive poker strategy section with plenty of helpful articles for poker beginners. Whether on a riverboat atop the Mighty Mississippi or in the smoky dimness of a mining camp saloon, a lucky draw could turn a broken man into a winner.In the days of the frontier west, poker was king with the mustachioed likes of Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday, “Canada” Bill Jones, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and hundreds of others. Faro was by far the most popular and prolific game played in Old West saloons, followed by Brag, Three-card-monte, and dice games such as High-low, Chuck-a-luck, and Grand hazard. It was also about this time that gambling began to invite more diversity including Hispanics, blacks, Chinese and women in the games. Three of the more famous women gamblers of this time were Calamity Jane, Poker.

  • Miami), travelers are tossing aside bathing suits and swim trunks for a summer glow sans tan lines. “Each nudist resort has its own individual rules and regulations,” says Mulhall.
  • 'You need patience and tilt control. You could be very unlucky in poker now and then and you mustn't go on a big tilt and donk away all your money when this happens. Without a big amount of patience, you will never win at poker long term.' 'One of the primary reasons people don't win at poker is a lack of self-discipline,' says Evan Jarvis.

West of Loathing (Switch) Review

by Neal Ronaghan - May 31, 2018, 9:08 am EDT
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Video games could use more comedies and well, this is one that makes fun of big open-world RPGs.

Comedy in video games is hard to pull off, even more so when it’s the most distinguishing factor about your game. West of Loathing boldly tries to stick the landing, as this jokey stick-figure RPG adventure takes you through oodles of non sequiturs on a quest to go west. Essentially, it’s Skyrim through the lens of a joke book. While some elements of the gameplay might be a little too simple and goofy, the farcical satire wins out and West of Loathing is a deliriously silly romp.

A tutorial area sets the stakes well and lets you customize your created character, which can be one of three classes: Cow Puncher, Snake Oiler, or Beanslinger. Your hero then aims to go west to make their fortune. A bunch of nonsense follows as you go through a slew of side-scrolling locales to earn meat currency, fight bandits, and solve puzzles. The main quest goes slowly west, but much like its loose Elder Scrolls inspiration, the magic is in the side quests. To go into too much detail of the content of these bizarre sojurns would ruin the shock and awe. Quests take so many left turns that you’ll wind up right back where you started ready to go in another cubic rotation.

A wealth of the charm is born out of the dialogue and situations, from the travails of the many local Sherfs to the poker-like card game that has the most asinine rules (while still being logically consistent I think). It’s amusing wandering to different areas with your horse and partner, trying to find a path forward. New side quests and areas are found almost constantly, always giving you something amusing to do. It can be hard to sift through everything that needs to be done, even more so when your collection of items soars to an untenable amount of stuff. The best route through this game is to just roll with the nonsense and keep going. Worrying too much about 100% completion and full mastery exposes the more sour elements.

The most sour part is the turn-based combat, which probably feels that way since it’s one of the few semi-serious elements. It’s a lightweight and simplistic system, but it often slows the game down. I got to a point where I’d start avoiding battles unless absolutely necessary because it just wasn’t as fun as talking to people and doing tomfoolery elsewhere.

Even if the combat is a little slow, the whole game looks weirdly beautiful with its stick-figure aesthetic. The lighting is great and the animation is smooth. The style is cohesive in a silly Western way, made even better by the old-timey soundtrack. An early discoverable Stupid Walking option might be the absolute best thing in a video game, though, as once found, you can turn on the ability for your hero to walk around in random, absurd ways. It was a surefire way to keep a grin on my face during the 5-10 hour campaign that is decently replayable because of the amount of customization and choice.

West of Loathing succeeds by making you giggly and happy while you play it. Treating this game like a super-serious RPG is the wrong way to go about it, as that’s where the holes start to emerge, whether it’s the middling combat or the mildly annoying quest and item management troubles. This is a comedy, pure and simple, and thankfully it’s one that’s clever and funny in a way that makes up for any lesser gameplay segments. It’s a great chaser between the ample supply of serious games out there, especially if you have Stupid Walking turned on.


  • Excellent animation and style
  • Good writing makes it better than the sum of its gameplay
  • Legitimately hilarious
  • Stupid Walking
  • Combat’s just okay
  • Quest and item management is overwhelming


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Game Profile

Worldwide Releases

West of Loathing
ReleaseMay 31, 2018

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The Jewel Saloon
Arriving in Dirtwater

The Jewel Saloon is the bar and hotel in Dirtwater. The staircase to the left leads to your room, while the main entrance leads to the bar area. Doorways right of the bar area lead to the poker room, the kitchen, and the stage.

  • 1The Bar
  • 2Your Room
  • 4The Kitchen
  • 5The Stage

The Bar[edit edit source]

In the main bar area you can talk to the bartender to purchase a drink. You can also find William Ellsbury sitting at a table, a spittoon, and a slop vendor selling, well, slop.

Errands[edit edit source]

  • The bartender asks you to fix the piano player (requires a needle and 5 Mysticality), for which you can receive 20 - 22 XP.
  • 30 XP for bringing Ellsbury his helmet and a bottle of laudanum, then listening to his story.
    • This can be repeated multiple times by bringing him a new bottle of laudanum.

Items[edit edit source]

  • a filthy porcelain cow can be acquired by those brave enough to search the spittoon.
  • a plate of slop can be purchased for 5 Meat from the slop vendor.
  • a shot of Dirtwater Bourbon can be purchased for 5 Meat from the bartender.

Your Room[edit edit source]

Your room can be found to the left of the bar. It is unlocked by speaking with the barkeep. Things you may do in your room include:

  • Sleep in your bed to end the day and empty your stomach, liver, and spleen. It will also remove most of your temporary effects.
    • Please note that certain perks, which are different from effects, are permanent, and some (namely Cowrruption) can only be purified by following instructions at Kellogg Ranch.
  • You can place items in your room including:
    • Portable alchemistry set (Snake Oilers only)
    • Portable arcane oven (Beanslingers only)
    • Portable leatherwork bench (Cow Punchers only)
  • You can use disposable binoculars to look out the window from your room. Locations that you may observe (unlock) from here are:
  • You can insult yourself in your mirror to make yourself angry for a buff effect.
    • Careful: if you make yourself too angry you will pass out and the day will end.

Items[edit edit source]

  • a blank postcard can be found on your bedside table

The Poker Room[edit edit source]

In the poker room there is one table you can sit at and play poker. Each poker game consists of 3 rounds of play, during which you can attempt to increase your odds of winning, and/or the amount of meat in question. You can play repeatedly, but the more you win the harder it gets (and the more money it costs).

  • The ante is 20 + (5 * pokerwins) meat, and you play with 2 others, so the starting pot is 3x that amount.
  • Your initial hand is randomly selected and gives you your baseline chance of winning:
Win ChanceMessage
10%'It's a totally garbage hand.'
20%'It's a really terrible hand.'
30%'It's a pretty decent hand.'
40%'It's a really great hand!'
  • Your winning chance is then reduced base on the number of times you have won poker:
Games WonChance Change
6 - 15-5%
16 - 30-10%
31 - 50-15%

3 rounds are played. Each round you may raise, strategize, check, cheat, or fold.

West Of Loathing Poker Rules Free

  • One of the 6 stats (Muscle, Mysticality, Moxie, Grit, Gumption, Glamour) is randomly selected, and a threshold is computed based on pokerwins + random(1,3). If you have a corresponding stat level at or higher than the threshold, you can bet more meat (and your opponents match it).
  • One of the 6 stats (Muscle, Mysticality, Moxie, Grit, Gumption, Glamour) is randomly selected. , and a threshold is computed based on pokerwins + random(1,3). If you have a corresponding stat level at or higher than the threshold, you gain 20% to your chance of winning.
  • 5% is added to your chance of winning. There is a 50% chance of one of your opponents raising, which will allow you to call (bet the same amount), or fold.
  • Cheating requires the Dirty Poker skill. Your chance of a successful cheat depends on your skill level:
Dirty Poker skill levelChance of Success
  • Successfully cheating raises your winning chance by 30%.
  • Failing to cheat successfully reduces your winning chance by 10%
  • You quit, and lose whatever you have bet.

The Kitchen[edit edit source]

The kitchen contains the cook.

Errands[edit edit source]

West Of Loathing Poker Rules Card Game

  • The cook can present you with a series of tasks:
    • Bring him a shaker of saltpeter. The shaker can be found in a cabinet in the Administration/Mess Hall of Fort Cowardice, and returning it rewards you with 10 - 11 XP.
    • Bring him a Southeast-Western Murder Pepper. It can be found by wandering in the area outside of Dirtwater. You will be rewarded with 10 - 11 XP.
    • Using the key he gives you, pick up the sauté knife from the chef's P.O Box at the post office. Return it to the chef to gain 10 - 11 XP.
    • Loot the grave of Dave J at The Daveyard and bring back his secret sauce recipe to the chef. You will gain 10 - 11 XP and a sloppy cowboy hat (Cow Puncher), sloppy chef's hat (Beanslinger), or sloppy tophat (Snake Oiler).

The Stage[edit edit source]

West Of Loathing Poker Rules Against

The stage area is where you will find the Dirtwater band as you populate it with band members. It is initially empty, although you can ring the cowbell.

Errands[edit edit source]

  • 1 XP can also be gained by righting the fallen chair.

West Of Loathing Game Free

West Of Loathing Poker Rules

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